earth song

35 x 9”
acrylic on wood with vintage piano toy

A 1960’s children’s piano toy sits atop this playful piece as a green frog resonates a beat in the brambles. The whole point here, despite a humorous take on art, is the living sound or music of the earth.



28 x 8”
acrylic on wood with jukebox topper

A hummingbird camouflages itself in abundant brambles in this painting. An old jukebox topper that once played music accompanies the image. The melody of the earth is at play here. Amid the thick undergrowth, is a constant rhythm of life.


spelling bee

16.5 x 6.5”
acrylic on wood within child’s spelling game

This retro children’s spelling game is the perfect frame for the bee whose actions are vital to almond crop, plant life and our own balanced existence. What is the word for love and care for Mother Earth? Stewardship? Awareness? Environmentalist? It is one thing to spell these words, another to live them.



16 x 6”
acrylic on wood in yellow school bus mirror

This little owlet is an ode to the late night hour when all kinds of wildlife abounds. Housed in an old school bus rear view mirror, ironic thoughts turn to vision and awareness – two words that could also be used to discuss behavior from Man towards the all-too-ignored environment.

sprig | SOLD

8 x 12”
acrylic on wood within old swivel frame bars

This fat chickadee lands across fertile field on a sprig of of pause. He acts as a simple reminder to pay attention to the small details of delight and living beauty around us at all times.


tipster | SOLD

10.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within vintage biscuit tin

A yellow canary or gold finch is known for many things - for being the bird of Christ and the Resurrection, for being the sacrificed indicator of bad air in mines, and a slang term for a gangster who squeals. For a small songbird, that’s a load to carry alongside Man and the human condition. Let its beauty abound.

two hope | SOLD

19 x 10”
acrylic on wood within metal tray with two rings

Cardinals are often called “harbingers of faith” as they land and go about their lives on earth. Some say they appear at moments of passage and transition, messaging that loved ones are near despite their leaving. Two red rings dangle from this vintage metal framework as metaphor to the hope we carry about the mystery of the life cycle.


magic hour

13.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within vintage Hummel shadow box

This low brow frame that originally held an Emil Fink Verlag illustration, but now holds a painting of a forest moon, is a humorous take on Nature. This hand-crafted scene from Germany seemed just right for a comical, visual moment.


25 x 12.5”
acrylic on wood

A hawk feather lands in the brambles as we ponder the history using Nature as muse. Not to ruffle feathers, but Victorian hats often used the plume of birdlife to adorn their tastes. This small ode to the tuft that allows creatures to lift-off, float and fly, has memorized humans for centuries.



17.5 x 4.5”
acrylic on wood within vintage bottle cap opener

Sometimes an idea makes you laugh out loud. After years of watching raccoons integrate onto Man’s turf, usually late at night, this piece sent a humorous signal about commercial discard over discord.

spring cleaning | SOLD

13.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within 1950’s Hummel shadow box

This ultimately kitsch blend of an Emil Fink Verlag shadow box and a painting of a robin should make you laugh as much as catch you off guard. Spring has sprung large on cleaning day.


wade | SOLD

6 x 7.5”
acrylic on wood within old biscuit tin

A frog wades in the mire, making eye contact with us. When we come upon these camouflaged creatures and happen to catch a glimpse of them, it is an indication that the water and soil are good. There is goodness in the sound of the amphibian.


green peace | SOLD

14 x 22”
acrylic on wood within vintage double biscuit tin

A pair of peaceful loons form a heart-shape position floating on water in this old double-windowed biscuit tin. The scene within manmade nostalgia is tranquil amid the fullness of green.

tuft | SOLD

12 x 11”
acrylic on wood within vintage swivel frame

In the 1930-40’s these wooden swivel frames were in every home. The design on this one, inspired the tuft or winged feeling of the tit mouse, pausing to take us in. He playfully reminds up to slow down, pay attention, especially to the beauty of the earth.


woodstar | SOLD

9.5 x 7”
acrylic on wood within vintage stand

A fleeting hummingbird stops for a brief moment on a branch in this little hillside scene. The jewel-toned creature reminds us to look for the small, simple things in life. They hold, carry and emulate the secret to happiness.

biddy | SOLD

18 x 12”
acrylic on wood with vintage red metal emblem

This retro FARMALL emblem inspired an ode to a chicken in the scratch. Chickens have personality and this one needed to strut her attitude.


barnie | SOLD

10.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within vintage biscuit tin

A white barn owl, a most mysterious bird, pauses at twilight within a vintage commercial tin. The old Nabisco logo almost looks like an owl as we ponder Man alongside Nature in this unconventional combo.

espy | SOLD

10.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within vintage biscuit tin

An alert barn owl observes our activity, against a back drop of dark night. Something very curious and mystifying happens between winged creatures and human beings when we are caught in stare down.


over the rainbow | SOLD

10.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within old biscuit tin plus vintage marbles

A bluebird of happiness pauses against a landscape of fertile earth and moving currents. His bright blue color enlivens the vignette. Three marbles roll across the skyline as metaphor to the blue marble we live on. 


toad rage | SOLD

18 x 5”
acrylic on wood with automobile display parts

Rain is spitting moisture as a fat toad lingers in the damp undergrowth. Seedling, air bubble and pod mix with his camouflaged appearance. He stares us down, acting as a wise old soul up against our inability to recognize the importance of the biotic world.

little prince | SOLD

10.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within vintage biscuit tin

A kinglet darts into the scene, aware of our presence. The landscape background reminds us to pay attention to the natural world, where lessons of quietude versus haste can be found.

red rover | SOLD

10.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within old biscuit tin

A sandhill crane struts across a paddock within this man-made old tin. This ancient bird has a way of cheering us up with an ornithological sense of humor and beautiful crimson crown.


pip | SOLD

10.5 x 10.5”
acrylic on wood within vintage biscuit tin

The weathered flaws on this old tin inspired the whiteness of a fleeting sparrow on a moss-laden perch. To place this nester in an old advertisement display, plays homage to the idea of Man alongside Nature.